It seems like just yesterday that I uttered (well, typed) the words "I haven't missed a Thursday yet". I should have known better. 11 days and 70+ work hours later, here I am, realizing that the "crazy, crazy, crazy week" that I mentioned was merely the warm-up act, and that the main event was still to come. So, with the crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, CRAZY week behind me now, I've decided that now would be a good time for a season finale to Music Video Thursday, and give myself a break over the holidays.
Music Video Thursday began on an unassuming Thursday in June, when I stumbled across a video of a past-his-prime heavy metal icon on Jay Leno, performing a classic song in a musical style it was probably never intended for. I found it amusing, and decided that since I wasn't doing much else on this blog at the time, I might as well post it here. Within a month, I got it into my head that I should do it as a regular feature, and started the official Music Video Thursday posts.
Six months of musical mayhem and magic have passed by, and by some strange twist of fate, I've stumbled across a video of another past-his-prime heavy metal icon on Jay Leno, performing a classic song in a musical style is was probably never intended for. Ladies and gentlemen, for your holiday musical pleasure, Cowboy_K's Music Video Thursday is proud to present Dee Snider and Twisted Sister's heartwarming performance of the classic Christmas carol, "Oh Come All Ye Faithful":
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you, and watch for the season premier of Music Video Thursday in 2007!